Date: 2020/06/10 10:00-12:00
Venue: Online
Date: 2020/06/26 14:30-18:00
Venue: Live broadcast
* This symposium was opened to the public as the “FY2020 Annual meeting (Postponed from February 26, 2020)” and the "FY2020 First xSDG consortium meeting".
Date: 2020/10/30 14:45-18:10
Venue: Keio University Hiyoshi Campus
Date: 2021/01/29 15:00-18:00
Venue: Online
Date: 2021/03/03 13:00-14:40
Venue: Online
Date: 2020/03/03 15:00-17:00
Venue: Live broadcast
The working group examines the guideline for the disclosure of non-financial information by companies based on the SDGs.
The working group have been released 「コロナの経験を踏まえたSDGs達成へのカギとなる12の⽅策」(March 2021)(in Japanese).
The working group discusses and concludes the standards for the actions in achieving the SDGs in community design and architecture.
The working group pursues the progress management of corporate evaluation standards based on the SDGs, which is concluded by the working group on Financial Assessment Platform.
The working group concluded the recommendation “Activity Report of FY2019 ‘The Prescriptions for the Appropriate Utilization of Plastic in Japan from the Perspective of the SDGs’ ”(June 2020)(in Japanese).
The working group have been released “SDGs Action List for Companies, Version 1” have been released(August 2020).
The working group sorted out the relationship between the SDGs and attestation systems, analyzed which SDGs targets they contribute to, and published its results as an academic paper.
VSP-S (S members)
VSP-D (D members)
VSP-G (G members)
VSP-SME(SME:Small and Medium-sized Enterprises)
VSP-LG (Local government members)