

Media coverage and publications

The report about SDGs was released by Shizuoka City.(in Japanese)

The interview of Norichika Kanie has been released by the Anderson Mori & Tomotsunehas.(in Japanese)

Norichika Kanie joined in the "SDGs ROUND-TABLE TALK"(WEB version)by the AERA dot., Campus AERA.(in Japanese)

Norichika Kanie supervised the TV show about SDGs by the NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).(In Japanese)

The activities of the xSDG Consortium are introduced on the web media "coki".(in Japanese)

The "Japan SDGs Action Festival" was held on March 26th and 27th on 2021, online.(in Japanese)
- Archive video
- 「コロナ禍のピンチをSDGs実現のチャンスに。ジャパンSDGsアクションフェスティバル開催!」、Bunshun online、April 7th on 2021(in Japanese)

Norichika Kanie appeared on the TV program "深層NEWS" by the BS Nippon Corporation on March 31st 2021.(in Japanese)

Norichika Kanie appeared on the talk show "イントロ" by the Nippn Television Network Corporation on March 30th 2021.(in Japanese)

The press release about the endowed courses "SDGs Finance" by the Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. was issued.

The animation "NHK(the Japan Broadcasting Corporation)SDGsキャンペーン「未来へ17アクション」by " Norichika Kanie supervised has been released (in Japanese).

Cosmo Takagi (the xSDG laboratory menber)'s book 『まちの未来を描く!自治体のSDGs』won the grand prize 政刊懇談会主催「第20回ほんづくり大賞」.(in Japanese)

The article on which Norichika Kanie's interview was published in the website "MIT Technology Review"(Japanese).

The article on which the roundtable discussion(Norichika Kanie attended) was published in the monthly report of the Japan Foreign Trade Council, Inc. (Japanese).

The research by the xSDG laboratory was introduced on the website "Keio Times" by the Keio University on October 30.

Norichika Kanie was appointed 15 independent scientists to draft the second quadrennial Global Sustainable Development.
- UN Secretary-General appoints 15 independent scientists to draft the second quadrennial Global Sustainable Development Report, The Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DSDG) in the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), 19 OCT 2020

Norichika Kanie's book "探してみよう!マークで学ぶSDGs 家でみつかるマーク(in Japanese)" was published.

Norichika Kanie's article was published on the "Kumamotonichinichi shimbun".

The article on which Norichika Kanie's interview was published in the website "NewsPicks".

The article on which Norichika Kanie's interview was published in the website "10年後の未来をつくるノート(ジャパンSDGsアクション(公式))".

Norichika Kanie's article was published on the bulletin by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations.

The article about the xSDG Laboratory activities was published on the website "NEWSWITCH" by the NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN on September 26.

The article about the xSDG Lab activities was published in the NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN on September 25.

Norichika Kanie cooperated in the article by the Asahi Shimbun DIGITAL.

The article about the xSDG Lab activities was published in the Nikkei newspaper on August 22.

Norichika Kanie served as the lecturer in Keio Chutobu Juniorr High School for kickoff the project of the SDGs 169 Target Icon by Japanese.

The interview article on which Norichika Kanie's was posted in the website "AMP".

The interview article on which Norichika Kanie's was posted in the website "TeamSDGs".

The interview article on which Norichika Kanie's was posted in the website "DENTSU-HO".

The interview article on which Norichika Kanie's was posted in the website "The Asahi Shimbun Company".

The comment on which Norichika Kanie's was posted in the website "Hankyu Hanshin Holdings,Inc.".

Norichika Kanie joined the radio show as a guest on March 28th.

The article on which Norichika Kanie's interview was published in the website "Daiwa House Group".

The article about the xSDG Laboratory was published in the website "Sustainable Brands"

The article on which Norichika Kanie's interview was published in the magazine "文春"

The article on which Norichika Kanie and Kosumo Takagi's interview was published in the website "United Nations Forum"

The student's activity of Kanie Lab. was introduced by the website of Asahi shimbun.

The article on which Norichika Kanie served as the moderator was published in the magazine "三田評論" by Keio University.

The Japanese Bankers Association published the report about financial research. (The chapter 3 of the first research group was written by Norichika Kanie.)

“SHUKAN NEW YORK SEIKATSU” introduced the symposium "Business Evaluation × SDG Beyond UNGA2019" that held in NY at 16th July by xSDG Laboratory & xSDG Consortium, Keio Research Institute at SFC, Keio University

The article on which Norichika Kanie was interviewed was published in the magazine "Toyo Keizai"

Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus and Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. has signed the cooperative cooperation agreement on June 21, 2019 publication Bloomberg 2019/6/21 9:32

Asahi Shimbun, Article about xSDG Laboratory and xSDG Consortium, 2019/05/31

Report by the SDGs project in The InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) "Improving Scientific Input to Global Policymaking with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals Report" was released. 2019/05/30

Article “Interview with Norichika Kanie, Prof., Keio University Graduate School – The aim of the enactment of the xSDG consortium”, The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, 2019/05

Reports by the Japanese Bankers Association Research group on financial system, “How finance will face and address the SDGs” (Research group 1) and “The way of relationships between policy making financial organizations and private financial organizations” (Research group 2) were released (Norichika Kanie serves as the member of research group 1)

"Shizutetsu Store CSR Report 2018","Special talk" with the CEO of Shizutetsu Store Co., Ltd. It was published

The reporting of outcomes of the joint research project conducted with Toyooka city on “An environment for women to thrive; Research by Toyooka City and Keio University call for childcare friendly working environment” was posted in the Tajima edition of the Yomiuri Shimbun, 2019/03/16

An article featuring Norichika Kanie’s interview on “If we utilize and act based on the SDGs, the world will change! An interview with one of the pioneers on the UN resolution, Prof Norichika Kanie” was posted on the Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd., website on parenting and money SODATTE, 2019/02/20

An interview article on “The ambition for Shizuoka City to thrive as a “SDGs future city” – The achievements and challenges of the “SDGs week”” was posted on the Asahi Shimbun, 2030 SDGs column and report section, 2018/02/08

An article on “Rakuten starts a environmentally conscious service “Earth Mall”” was featured in the Nikkei Inc., internet/IT/environment and energy page, 2018/11/29

An article on “Rakuten starts a environmentally conscious service “Earth Mall”” was featured in the Nikkei Inc., internet/IT/environment and energy page, 2018/11/29

An article on “What we felt at the UN High Level Political Forum, and further attention to be paid to private and non governmental actions” was featured on the Asahi Shimbun, 2030 SDGs column and report section, 2018/10/05

An interview on “Special interview: Creating a future through SDGs” was featured in the Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd., special article on the SDGs, 2018/08/28

Press release; SFC Research Laboratory to start a project on xSDG Consortium to achieve the SDGs, 2018/08/06

An interview on “Thinking about future business models based on the SDGs (Part Two) ” was featured in the CLUB UNISYS SMASH, 25 Jul 2018

An interview on “Thinking about future business models based on the SDGs (Part One) ” was featured in the CLUB UNISYS SMASH, 2018/07/18

An interview article on “How are we to face and understand the SDGs” was featured on the Asahi Shimbun, 2030 SDGs column and report section, 2018/06/27

An interview article on “For tomorrow’s earth – “now is the “last chance” to save our earth” by the SDGs pioneer researcher” was featured on Asahi Shimbun GLOBE+, 2018/06/01

A video introducing the outline of the SDGs and the Japanese actions towards its achievement “SDGs NOW! 17 Goals to Transform Our World” (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan) was released. Tweets related to the SDGs by MoFA Japan can be seen HERE

“Targets to change the future – SDGs idea book” supervised by Norichika Kanie, was edited and published by NPO Think The Earth, April 2018

“From MDGs to SDGs, the transformations and challenges in its implementation” Edited by Masahisa Sato, Naoyuki Tashiro, Norichika Kanie, pp. 70-85 in “SDGs and Environmental Education – Looking at the earth’s limitation of resources and learning towards achieving the sustainable development goals” was published by Gakubunsha, 2017

A report on “Towards achieving the SDGs – The role of Japanese Academia” (co-authored by Norichika Kanie) was published by the Science Council of Japan, September 2017

An interview article on SDGs: Challenges and Opportunities, was featured in Highlighting JAPAN September 2017 issue, September 2017

A report based on the NY workshop on"Research and Action Framework for Synergistic Scientific and Institutional Linkages between the SDGs Targets" was compiled and released, 2017/09/08

2017 FY Environmental White Paper: Annual report on Environment, cycling society, and ecological diversity (PDF) “Section Two; The relationships of each goals featured in the SDGs, and the status quo” featured the POST 2015 project (pp. 9-10) led by Norichika Kanie

Norichika Kanie’s comments were featured in the SDGs Dialogue 2017 (Yahoo! Japan!) – What can Yahoo! Do in achieving the SDGs by 2030”, 2017/06/07

An article on “Sustainable Tourism” was featured in the ECO Tourism Vol. 19 No. 3 (pp. 4-5, published by Japan Ecotourism Association), 2017/03/31

Campus SDGs activities were introduced in the Keio University Global Page FB, 2017/04/24

The Asahi Shimbun’s SDGs campaign starts, featuring an article on “Looking at the SDGs with Dr. Hiroko Kuniya” in the Asahi Shimbun digital edition, 2017/01/31