



The annual report "SDSN Networks in Action 2021" by the SDSN Global, SDSN Japan, pp.62-63, November 2021

J. Gupta, D. Liverman, X. Bai, C. Gordon, M. Hurlbert, C.Y.A. Inoue, L. Jacobson, N. Kanie, T.M. Lenton, D. Obura, I.M. Otto, C. Okereke, L. Pereira, K. Prodani, C. Rammelt, J. Scholtens, J.D. Tàbara, P.H. Verburg, L. Gifford, D. Ciobanu, Reconciling safe planetary targets and planetary justice: Why should social scientists engage with planetary targets?, Earth System Governance, Volume 10, 2021, 100122, ISSN 2589-8116

Survey results on the 2021 japanese general election and SDGs, October 2021(in Japanese)


"企業のリアルな事例でわかる SDGsの課題別推進方法", Kanie Norichika, Shinya Sakuma, Cosmo Takagi, daiichihoki, September 2021(in Japanese)

xSDG Consrotium “Working group on COVID-19 and the SDGs” “Twelve key strategies to achieve the SDGs based on the COVID-19 experience”, June 2021


"Japan's SDGs White Paper 2020-2021"(editor: SDGs白書編集委員会), May 2021(in Japanese)


Johan Rockström, Joyeeta Gupta, Timothy M. Lenton, Dahe Qin, Steven J. Lade, Jesse F. Abrams, Lisa Jacobson, Juan C. Rocha, Caroline Zimm, Xuemei Bai, Govindasamy Bala, Stefan Bringezu, Wendy Broadgate, Stuart E. Bunn, Fabrice DeClerck, Kristie L. Ebi, Peng Gong, Chris Gordon, Norichika Kanie, Diana M. Liverman, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, David Obura, Veerabhadran Ramanathan, Peter H. Verburg, Detlef P. van Vuuren, Ricarda Winkelmann (2021) “Identifying a Safe and Just Corridor for People and the Planet”, American Geophysical Union: Earth's Future, DOI:10.1029/2020EF001866, March 2021

xSDG Consortium “Working group on the COVID-19 and the SDGs”「コロナの経験を踏まえたSDGs達成へのカギとなる12の⽅策」(in Japanese), March 2021


Kanie Norichika, “探してみよう!マークで学ぶSDGs 家でみつかるマーク(in Japanese)”, Holp Shuppan Publications,Ltd.

The new translation of SDGs and targets has been published by “the committee for the new translation of SDGs and targets”(Norichika Kanie represents)(in Japanese),September 2020, March 2021(Ver.1.2)


Kanie Norichika, “SDGs”, Chuokoshinsyo, 2020

xSDG Consortium “Working group on Financial Assessment Platform” “SDGs Action List for Companies, Version 1”, August 2020

At the 10th meeting of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meeting, which Norichika Kanie serves as its member, "Proposals by members of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable for building a sustainable society by overcoming the COVID-19 crisis with SDGs" was submitted to the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who is the Director-General of the SDGs Promotion Headquarters at the Prime Minister's Office.
- “Proposals by members of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable for overcoming the corona crisis and creating a sustainable society with SDGs” (in Japanese, July 30th, 2020)
- (Reference) Ministry of Foreign Affairs “Press Release: The 10th meeting of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meeting was held” (in Japanese)

xSDG Consortium “Working group on Financial Assessment Platform” “SDGs Action List for Companies, Version 1 (in Japanese)”, June 2020


xSDG Consortium “Keio University Research Institute at SFC xSDG Laboratory, Working group on the Plastic Waste Problem, Activity Report of FY2019 ‘The Prescriptions for the Appropriate Utilization of Plastic in Japan from the Perspective of the SDGs’ (in Japanese)", June 2020

Collaborative research with xSDG Laboratory and Toyooka city “Local research 'Analysis and practices towards building a sustainable community' (in Japanese)” (2019)


"Japan’s SDGs White Paper 2019" (editor: xSDG Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC,Issue: Impress R&D) has been issued.

The stakeholders meeting on the revision of the SDGs Implementation Guiding Principles was held at the Headquarters of the United Nations University, September 6th, 2019 by the voluntary members of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meeting(supported by xSDG Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC), and the proposal as its results were submitted to Japanese Government.
- (Reference) Nippon Television Network Corporation NEWS24(2019/9/9 21:25)

Norichika Kanie, David Griggs, Oran Young, Steve Waddell, Paul Shrivastava, Peter M. Haas, Wendy Broadgate, "Rules to goals: emergence of new governance strategies for sustainable development", Sustainability Science, 6 September 2019, DOI:10.1007/s11625-019-00729-1

Mr.Masaaki Kanai who is the Chairman and Representative Director of Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd., Norichika Kanie and Hiroko Kuniya had the dialogue. (presented by the collaborative research with the Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd. “Creating strategic model for attaining the SDGs towards “A Pleasant Kind of Society (感じの良い社会)”)


Collaborative research with xSDG Laboratory and Toyooka city “Emprical study on public local policies: With a particular attention to the Issues on Gender Equality in Tokyooka City (focus on the gender challenges in Toyooka City) (in Japanese)” (2018)

FY2017 and before


Norichika Kanie, Frank Biermann eds. (2017) Governing through Goals: Sustainable Development Goals as Governance Innovation (Earth System Governance), Cambridge, MA, MIT Press


Norichika Kanie ed. (2017) What are the Sustainable Development Goals? The Agenda for Innovative Changes towards 2030, Kyoto, Minerva Shobo
The book is a general introductory book, the first of its kind in Japan, which looks at the SDGs, which were adopted at the UN Assembly in 2015 to replace the MDGs, in ensuring a sustainable world in 2030


S-11 Project On Sustainability Transformation beyond 2015 (POST 2015 project)
With support from the Ministry of the Environment, Japan’s Environment Research and Technology Development Fund, the project was carried out through 2013-2015 FYs


S-11 POST 2015 Project (2016) Prescriptions for effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Japan
A report on how to advance the implementation of the SDGs in Japan, looking at the challenges Japan faces and the relevant SDGs


SDG target database for POST2015 agenda
A general database that includes existing discussions and related research, etc., on targets and indicators related to the SDGs


SDGs Policy Builder
A visual toolkit for looking at the general picture of the SDGs, and the relationships between the goals and targets, which then can help in seeing the areas that are interconnected within the SDGs, and also ones that are important but not yet interlinked

Robert Lindner, Norichika Kanie, Mari Kosaka, Maki Koga, Yui Nakagawa, Steven Bernstein, Pam Chasek and Ruben Zondervan (eds.) (2016) Building Blocks for the Institutional Architecture of the SDGs Science-Policy Interface, POST 2015/UNU-IAS Conference Report. Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability

Ingrid Boas, Frank Biermann, Norichika Kanie (2016) “Cross-sectoral strategies in global sustainability governance: towards a nexus approach”, International Environmental Agreements: Politics and Economics, DOI:10.1007/s10784-016-9321-1, April 2016

Casey Stevens, Norichika Kanie (2016) “The transformative potential of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, DOI:10.1007/s10784-016-9324-y, April 2016